July news collection about sustainability and related topics
Regularly we publish articles, we have found in our research on the subject of sustainable fashion or related topics, on our social media channels. The articles here on #SustainableFinds are a monthly selection which we recommend to read on the publisher’s website. The content need not necessarily correspond to the mission of Gwand. We want to create consciousness with knowledge, this is what we mean by #GWANDEducation. The GWAND Sustainable Fashion Festival is a non-profit organization. On our blog or on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest) you will find more exciting articles on the topics.
Note: We have not been paid by the publisher or anyone else for sharing these articles.
#SustainableDevelopment - Article from Vogue Business byNyshka Chandra
Elevating artisans: What luxury fashion can learn from social enterprises
#CoronaCrisis - Article from The Business of Fashion by Zoe Suen
How the Wholesale Crisis Could Benefit Independent Fashion Brands
#SustainableFabrics - Article from Material Source by Laura Connelly
June news collection about sustainability and related topics
Regularly we publish articles, we have found in our research on the subject of sustainable fashion or related topics, on our social media channels. The articles here on #SustainableFinds are a monthly selection which we recommend to read on the publisher’s website. The content need not necessarily correspond to the mission of Gwand. We want to create consciousness with knowledge, this is what we mean by #GWANDEducation. The GWAND Sustainable Fashion Festival is a non-profit organization. On our blog or on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest) you will find more exciting articles on the topics.
Note: We have not been paid by the publisher or anyone else for sharing these articles.
#SustainableDevelopment - Article from LUXIDERS
How Coronavirus Is Affecting Sustainable Fashion Businesses
#GWANDCoffeeBreak - Article from GWAND Sustainable Fashion Festival
GWAND Coffee Break is a short interview series dealing with current developments of the creative industry and society in general. We interview global thought leaders in the atmosphere of a quick coffee break at the office; a face or phone call, WhatsApp voice mails or actually in a tête-à-tête over a cup of coffee. Explore the transcribed interview with Diane Pernet below. Interview by Nicole Stein.
Photographer: Ruven Afanador
What is your favorite communication tool these days ? How do you work with your team?
Diane Pernet: Instagram, IGTV and Zoom.
How are you spending your days? Books/series/movies (any reco?)
Diane Pernet: I came up with two projects during the lock down period of two months, it is lifted today thing is the virus is still out there so lifting it is totally arbitrary. I am very happy with the films I’m receiving for my #LOCKDOWNHOMEMOVIES and the drawings for the competition for illustrations of the healing monster Amabie.
As far as films, books, I have access to the Criterion Channel with endless films and documentaries separated by genres, decades, countries and directors. Yesterday I watched a Turkish film The Edge of Heaven which was excellent. I enjoyed re-watching the films of Satyajit Ray, Akira Kurosawa and documentaries. Books like A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, not exactly joyful but a powerful book.
How did Corona affect sustainability efforts? Do you think these are short-term/long term effects?
Diane Pernet: I certainly hope it is not short term and that people are forced into the reality of how their lifestyle has impacted our planet. Designers are thinking of how they produce and how they put on shows and the waste that has gone into these big productions. Alex de Betak had some thoughts on show production in this article.
Maybe I’m a dreamer but I do not think people want to go back to life as it was before.
Do you think Corona contradicts or supports sustainability efforts?
Diane Pernet: Absolutely supports sustainability efforts. Everyone is forced, as mentioned above, to analyse how what they do effects the planet and it goes beyond bringing a cloth bag to the supermarket and not drinking from plastic water bottles. Maybe I’m a dreamer but I do not think people want to go back to life as it was before. The planet is crying, the cries have been heard now from the top down people have to do what ever they can to change the damage that they have already done.
Probably bikes will be an industry that sees an upswing in their earnings. I for one question the lifting of the quarantine when there is no vaccine what has changed? The virus is out there alive and well that has not changed every surface your touch could be infected, the air you breath… Today they lifted the quarantine in Paris a friend told me the metros are crowded so no one is paying any attention to social distancing. Cafés and restaurants are still not open and probably won’t be till mid-July. I for one do not want to commute unless absolutely necessary. Also businesses are seeing that people can work effectively from home. Consumers should look into what they are consuming, and do they really need to consume to have a good life and what in fact is their idea of a good life?
I like the idea that Saint Laurent will be more like Azzedine always was, show when you are ready to show and not be a part of the fashion system.
What is your prediction for the future of sustainable fashion and the creative industry in general?
Diane Pernet: Buy better buy less is my prediction for the future. Hopefully the end to fashion pollution and the endless cycle of unnecessary seasons. I like the idea that Saint Laurent will be more like Azzedine always was, show when you are ready to show and not be a part of the fashion system. Collections shown when clothes are in the shops makes more sense. I am of course in favour of fashion films over fashion shows which I think are very last century or make them a public entertainment where they are a spectacle once or twice a year which are open to the public which will pay to go and attend at the same time they can buy the clothes in shops. Stores and shopping malls are suffering, with COVID19 how willing are you to go into a shop and try on clothes that were just on someone else? Online shopping has been growing for years and probably will continue to grow.
What do you think about digital events? Chance to cut cost or loss of cultural impact?
Diane Pernet: That is a big question. I think until there is a vaccine people are not going to jump at the idea of being in an enclosed space with a lot of people watching catwalks or movies. The question is how to make the digital experience more interesting than just a bunch of talking heads. Zoom events have filled a gap and great for the more intimate contact maybe too intimate as do we really need to see the inside of people’s homes? I don’t know I’ve been thinking a lot about how to make the experience dynamic because I don’t see groups of people, be it in a cinema or an event space, as something I personally would be anxious to do for the rest of the year, how about you?
Diane Pernet is a world-renowned fashion critic and video journalist based in Paris. Previously a photographer and fashion designer, she now acts as documentary filmmaker, talent scout and fashion blogger. Pernet was one of the earliest fashion journalists to embrace the power of the internet, first through a column in online editions of Elle and Vogue and later through her own site, A SHADED VIEW ON FASHION which since its inception in 2005 has become a ‘must-read’ in fashion and creative industry circles.
Pernet was recognised in 2008 for being a pioneer in digital media when she was chosen as one of three influential bloggers to take part in a panel celebrating a seminal fashion exhibition at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. As one of the most recognisable faces in fashion, she has also been captured on the other side of the movie camera through cameo appearances in Robert Altman’s film ‘Prêt-à-Porter’, Ben Stiller’s ‘Zoolander 2’ and in Roman Polanski’s ‘The Ninth Gate’.
Pernet launched ASVOFF in 2008. As the founder of the world’s first film festival dedicated to fashion, style and beauty, she is widely considered to have incubated the ‘fashion film’ from its infancy to the popular genre that it has become today. “Diane has never ceased to amaze me with her amazing curiosity about things, her ability to synthesize arcane information and make it palatable for everyone else,” says Tim Blanks, editor-at-large for The Business of Fashion. “So actually, Diane is a conduit between now and what’s to come.”
May news collection about sustainability and related topics
Regularly we publish articles, we have found in our research on the subject of sustainable fashion or related topics, on our social media channels. The articles here on #SustainableFinds are a monthly selection which we recommend to read on the publisher’s website. The content need not necessarily correspond to the mission of Gwand. We want to create consciousness with knowledge, this is what we mean by #GWANDEducation. The GWAND Sustainable Fashion Festival is a non-profit organization. On our blog or on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest) you will find more exciting articles on the topics.
Note: We have not been paid by the publisher or anyone else for sharing these articles.
#FashionRevolution - Article from Fashion Revolution by Elizabeth Lwanga
Don’t Stop Sewing after the Pandemic
#SustainableFashion - Article from BRICKS Magazine by Tamsin Blanchard
#Awareness - Article from The Guardian by Alec Leach
‘I didn’t buy new clothes for a year and it was the best thing to happen to my wardrobe’
#SDGoals - Article from Remake by Audrey Stanton
How the United Nations’ SDGs Relate to the Fashion Industry
April news collection about sustainability and related topics
Regularly we publish articles, we have found in our research on the subject of sustainable fashion or related topics, on our social media channels. The articles here on #SustainableFinds are a monthly selection which we recommend to read on the publisher’s website. The content need not necessarily correspond to the mission of Gwand. We want to create consciousness with knowledge, this is what we mean by #GWANDEducation. The GWAND Sustainable Fashion Festival is a non-profit organization. On our blog or on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest) you will find more exciting articles on the topics.
Seven years ago the factory collapsed in Bangladesh, affecting over 2500 people. This disaster has led to the foundation of Fashion Revolution, that’s why you will find articles in the April issue mainly on the subject of Fashion Revolution.
Note: We have not been paid by the publisher or anyone else for sharing these articles.
#FashionRevolutionWeek - Article from Fashion Revolution
February news collection about sustainability and related topics
Regularly we publish articles, we have found in our research on the subject of sustainable fashion or related topics, on our social media channels. The articles here on #SustainableFinds are a monthly selection which we recommend to read on the publisher’s website. The content need not necessarily correspond to the mission of Gwand. We want to create consciousness with knowledge, this is what we mean by #GWANDEducation. The GWAND Sustainable Fashion Festival is a non-profit organization. On our blog or on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest) you will find more exciting articles on the topics.
Note: We have not been paid by the publisher or anyone else for sharing these articles.
#Fibers - An introduction to fibers and their impact on the environment
Make stars that shine not only bright but fair and green too
The Gwand will take place in Paris, which makes me extremely happy. I had imagined that the Gwand could take place in Paris earlier in the 90ies and now the first official trip in mission ‘Gwand Sustainable Fashion Festival Paris’ in cooperation with IFA Paris was scheduled. I travelled to Paris last Saturday.
First day in Paris
On Sunday morning I enjoyed, as a mother of two adorable children, to finally get a good night’s sleep and prepare for Monday. In the afternoon I met up with some “old” friends. In the evening, before going to bed, I went for a walk along the Canal Saint-Denis and breathed the Parisian air. I realized once again that it was the absolutely right decision to organize the festival in Paris and of course to enter the partnership with IFA Paris Fashion School - a stroke of luck. Paris is the city of fashion and is aiming to be the sustainable fashion capital of the world, here fashion finds plenty.
It is serious
On Monday morning, together with the lecturer Sandy Bontout, I had the pleasure of presenting the Gwand Sustainable Fashion Festival and its successful history to the fashion marketing students of IFA Paris. Furthermore we talked about the collaboration with the school and what part they will play in the implementation of the festival. I was overwhelmed by the knowledge and awareness of the young generation, the knowledge of the urgency to bring about change and the naturalness with which they do so. Also the many creative suggestions and new inputs, as well as the enthusiasm to participate in the first Parisian festival for sustainable fashion impressed me.
Picture by Ana Maria Rangel G. @IFA Paris Campus Talk
In the evening we had the IFA Paris Campus Talk, which was led by Sandy Bontout and we discussed with Catherine Dauriac from Fashion Revolution France about sustainability in the fashion industry. It was a great evening with interesting guests and above all I was very happy to meet Sylvie Grumbach from 2e Bureau, Catherine and Francis.
Paris is a hit! Admittedly, I arrived back home in Lucerne, tired but very happy, and I would like to thank everyone I met on this trip. I am looking forward to working with you - together we will make a change!
January news collection about sustainability and related topics
Regularly we publish articles, we have found in our research on the subject of sustainable fashion or related topics, on our social media channels. The articles here on #SustainableFinds are a monthly selection which we recommend to read on the publisher’s website. The content need not necessarily correspond to the mission of Gwand. We want to create consciousness with knowledge, this is what we mean by #GWANDEducation. The GWAND Sustainable Fashion Festival is a non-profit organization. On our blog or on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest) you will find more exciting articles on the topics.
Note: We have not been paid by the publisher or anyone else for sharing these articles.
#FashionRevolution - Article from and by Fashion Revolution
2019: A Year in Fashion Revolution
#WhoMadeMyClothes - Article from Ecotextile News by Chris Remington
Garment workers’ organisation calls for greater protection
#SustainableFashion - Article from Fashion United UK by Marjorie van Elven
2019 recap: is the fashion industry becoming more sustainable?
#SustainableFashion - Article from ASVOF text by Silvia Bombardini
Bethany Williams, fall 2020
#Tailoring - Article from our collaboration partner IFA Paris
The Art of Being a Tailor in Paris
#MicroPlastic - Article from the Guardian by Stephen Buranyi
What scientists can see and measure, in landfills and on beaches, is only a small fraction of the total plastic entering the water.
#Recycling - William Amor: an artist who makes garbage bloom!
My daughter is celebrating her first cinema premiere
Yesterday evening my 13 year old daughter had her big day. She celebrates her first cinema premiere as an actress in a supporting role in Zurich. The film is called “Platspitzbaby” and is set in the Zurich drug scene in the 90s. In the juggernaut that bears the name Platzspitz and would actually be the park of the Swiss National Museum. In the 90s there were catastrophic scenes, lots of people died by excessive drug consumption. At the end, from Kornhaus Bridge down to the disused railway tracks on the Letten, you could see how people died. But there were also some born - the “Platzspitzbaby”.
With “Platzspitzbaby” an impressive testimony is now coming to the cinema - finally, one might say. The film is a knockout. - Swiss television
Luna you are a knockout! I am very proud of you and wish you that your dreams come true!
Your mother
Short documentation “When Zurich was known for Needle Park”
For me personally, 2019 was a year of change and insights. A great year with highs and lows. I appreciate all these beautiful encounters with people I have not seen for a long time or with people who have newly come into my life. I would like to thank everyone who accompanied me on my way for their support. The most exciting thing for me personally in 2019 is the cooperation with the IFA Paris Fashion School. A dream comes true, the GWAND will take place in Paris.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Suzanna Vock
The festival will be organized in collaboration with IFA Paris fashion school
A flagship event, a vector of knowledge, an initiator of concrete actions and an incubator: the Gwand festival will organise the Gwand Sustainable Fashion Festival, the first Parisian festival dedicated to sustainable fashion, in collaboration with IFA Paris, the school of fashion and luxury management. The event will take place in Paris from 5 to 9 July 2020, during the Haute Couture Fashion Week. Fashion lovers and industry experts can look forward to a forward-thinking festival in the presence of designers, specialists, panelists, journalists and celebrities, committed to promoting sustainable development in the fashion and textile sectors.
IFA Paris fashion show
Among the 22 shortlisted finalists (selected in May 2019 in Milan), 6 to 8 designers will be put forward in spring 2020. The Sustainable Fashion Prize will be awarded to the designer whose work on sustainability, transparency and design has been judged to be the most outstanding.
IFA Paris will present the IFA Paris Professorship Award
At the next festival, IFA Paris will present the IFA Paris Professorship Award, worth 77,000 euros. This prize includes a one-year remunerated chair at IFA Paris. The prize also includes access to its Fashion Tech Lab “Foundry”, where, for example, part of the new collection can be planned and developed. The school’s educational offer is also included in what is destined to become a prestigious prize.
Fashion Tech Lab “Foundry” IFA Paris
The fashion industry is one of the main contributors to global carbon emissions, chemical waste, landfills and microplastics that threaten the health and future of our planet. Gwand aims to raise public awareness and promote global change for sustainable practices in the fashion sector. This approach is supported by IFA Paris on its campuses in Paris, Istanbul and Shanghai. The curriculum of the fashion school places great importance on the theme of sustainability and the need for responsible fashion production. An ambitious programme dedicated to sustainable fashion will be launched in 2020.
We often forget that teaching is not only about sharing knowledge. It is important become the fashion leaders of tomorrow. Making them responsible citizens is not an option but our future. - Jean-Baptiste Andréani, General Manager of IFA Paris.
It should be noted that sponsors interested in the Gwand Festival will have the opportunity, alongside Gwand, to reaffirm their commitment to lead the way to a sustainable future and to strengthen their image in favour of fashion and sustainability.
GWAND Festival 2001-2003 - Diane Pernet & Disciple Films Edit
GWAND Festival 2004 - Diane Pernet & Disciple Films edit
IFA Paris is a fashion and luxury management school that offers students from all over the world a wide range of unique and tailor-made courses at the Bachelor and Master levels. IFA Paris offers its students the opportunity to study in three of the most influential and trendy cities in the world: Paris, Shanghai and Istanbul.
IFA Paris Fashion School
Contact for international media
2e BUREAU - 18 rue Portefoin - 75003 Paris - France Mail
Contact for media from Germany, Austria and Switzerland
PR Consulting - Anne Gorgerat Kall - Goldhaldenstrasse 53 - 8702 Zollikon - Switzerland Mail
This Saturday I was allowed to take part on the launch event of the EFoundation. Thank you to my good friend Eleonora Quizmolli for the invitation, she is responsible for the show production for Fashion4Development in New York.
The first event of the EFoundation in Zurich with top-class guests from film, fashion, art and economy. The EFoundation was founded by business women. A foundation dedicated entirely to sustainability
At the event in the Hotel Baur au Lac in Zurich I was very impressed by the keynote speakers.
Tiffany Persons of Tiffany Company Castings and founder of Shine on Sierra Leone. Searching for her roots, she have come to Sierra Leone in West Africa. A country marked by civil wars, whose natural resources have been plundered for generations. It turned out that Tiffany’s roots lie exactly in this country.
Edith Aldewereld co-founder of Women in Sustainable Finance and Mariama Camara founder of Mariama Camara Fashion Production.
Also Patrica Arquette, the Hollywood actress who touched me with her words. And not to forget Tara Smith, award winning international hairstylist and power woman!
The talented American singer Elijah Jamal provided musical entertainment for this evening and touched my soul with his music!
They have all impressed me with their speeches and their story. It was a great evening for me, I met people who had the same goal as me. Making the world more sustainable together. Thank you Eleonora, Tiffany, Tara, Patricia, Mariama and all the others!
Fotos from the EFoundation event at Baur au Lac in Zurich
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