Flashback Gwand Fashion Festivals 1993–2004 · Stopover

Eleven times the Gwand Fashion Festival took place in Lucerne. Gwand grew from a local event to a Swiss and international hotspot in the fashion scene and in the fashion industry. Always Gwand remained true to its roots: The support of fashion designers. In the course of its being Gwand developed into a well established and proven promotion and networking platform—an attractive hotspot for sponsors to run effective sponsoring projects.

Gwand 1993 Fashion Watch

Gwand 1994 Fashion Dance

Gwand 1996 Summerbird

Gwand 1997 Butterflies

Gwand 1998 Embrace the world

Gwand 1999 Disruption

Gwand 2000 magnifi-cut

Gwand 2001 Étoiles filantes

Gwand 2002 Blan(c)k

Gwand 2003 Les plaisirs démodés

Gwand 2004 Savoir être

Gwand Stopover As time goes by

Gwand Fashion Festivals Conclusions

  • Gwand was staged 11 times already
  • Suzanna Vock and Gwand are well known and established in the Swiss and international fashion industry and fashion scene
  • Making of small and big design stars
  • Gwand became a media star
  • Succesful promotion of sponsors
  • Gwand has become a proven platform for promotion and networking

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Contact Gwand Sustainable Fashion Festival · Suzanna Vock